Quote Originally Posted by Feedback View Post
why is it selfish? This is something the left continually trot out about conservative voters, but conservatism isn't about self at all - that's a myth peddled by the left who think they are somehow making those on the right feel bad.

Having a party that promotes individual freedoms, actively encourages business and maintains the institutions of society isn't selfish, its going about things a different way.

Your comment is lazy and is akin to saying Labour voters are work shy preferring to receive benefits off the back of those that work.

Left and right are two different approaches to the same problem, none are perfect, on some occasions left wing approaches work, on others right wing approaches do. you'd have to be pretty naive to think only one method is better than the other - if it was, governments all over the world would be adherents to that particular approach.

Just imagine what life could be like if we rejected the idea of left and right and just worked together to solve problems ....oh!