Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
It fills me with despair that these people still. spout their nonsense on this subject, and I don't discriminate on religion; they certainly aren't exclusive to Christianity nor Judaism.

From a more encouraging perspective I believe more and more people are seeing through this indoctrination and adopting Humanist beliefs. I live in hope this will eventually lead to a more peaceful and equitable world.
No, they also explain the rise of radical Islamist views and Hindu fundamentalism.

If it just exists in someone's head, or amongst a group of like-minded cultists, it probably does little harm. The problems come when the adherents get off their shopping centre soap boxes and lead or influence governments, or street mobs, and the cults grow into mass movements. That has happened in Iran and India, on a smaller scale in Israel, and many other places, with governmental cheer-leaders in the USA (at least under Trump), Brazil and even some states in Europe.

I hope you are right about the growth of humanist beliefs. I think there has been a move in the last half century away from unquestioning religious beliefs in many parts of the world, but at the same time a hardening and growth of fundamentalism in Islam, Judaism and Christianity - and maybe the Hindu faith too.

Maybe two steps forward and one step back?