Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
That seems to suggest that God designated Israel's borders and you're using that as a reference
That is the beginning and end of Truthpaste's contribution.

God Almighty.... Good Book.... Chosen People.... The ramblings of a bronze age shaman (tweaked and modified through word of mouth and finally written down centuries later) becomes the sole and unarguable justification for decades of persecution and ethnic cleansing. And because the Israeli state has taken it's time about driving Palestinians out of the territory described in the Old Testament, they are somehow to be praised for restraint!

That may not have been the only strand of historic Zionism, but it is the dominant one today. It also explains why there are so many more Christian Zionists about than Jewish Zionists - including tens of millions of evangelicals in North America (like Mike Pence and Mike Pompeo in the Trump government). But some of the most courageous anti-Zionists are Jewish themselves, and some of the most effective campaigners for Palestinian human rights are Jewish people living in Israel.

It is becoming ever more difficult to see how a two state 'solution' can be introduced after the creeping colonisation and bantuisation of the occupied territories - no Palestinian state is viable now. A one state solution can only be an ethno-religious apartheid state of the sort Netanyahu and Bennett are moving towards, or a democratic state of citizens with equal rights - which is anathema to Zionists.