Quote Originally Posted by chris lee View Post
In short yes it is worth doing every now and again, it can help your browser run faster and smoother and can also fix glitches and unresponsive web pages.

However you will find that you have to log in to everything again after, this can be a mild inconvenience especially if like me you tend to forget all your passwords.
I delete cookies fairly regularly.
Uname and p/ws are not deleted, but "trusted"status on my bank logins are.
So I load up the login page, uname comes up as an option when I click the box;
Pw comes up the same way on SOME sites but not all;
I always have to enter certain characters from my 'memorable info';
then I have to have external confirmation via one-time-password eg by text;
\\then I can "trust" my device, which means I don't have to worry about the external confirmation step - until I delete cookies.