Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
Says the archtetypal "police are wrong - - the alleged perp had a mental health issue and needed a cuddle"

I'm out!!!!!
I am glad you are out

The old bill are good and bad

People who say the British Police are the best in the world are just waving the union Jack, plenty of bad apples in all walks of life

It appears he was having a psychotic episode which is a very serious illness , you control people like that , if needed with a taser , the stupid suggestion that he had issues and needed a cuddle is coming from you

You don't kick them in the head so hard you leave an imprint of your shoe on them

If the court decides that kicking this bloke in the head was reasonable force then thats the way it goes

I bet some people loved seeing the miners getting a battering by the police , good old fashioned policing , god bless em