There has definitely been a change.

I've lived in Europe and often bemoaned the lack of table service in UK pubs and clubs, in a manner seemingly commonplace in central Europe. I LOVED that Berlin clubs didn't really do bar service- it was waiter service only. But I've been really impressed by the speed at which UK pubs, clubs and bars have embraced bar service in covid. It is SO MUCH BETTER than queuing at a bar and I don't really see the downside of it. Yes there are some terrible apps out there, but if I'm waiting for someone to bring me a drink I'd much rather do it whilst stood with my mates than in a queue for the bar.

As a customer, I really don't see the downside. Splott Parker: if you wanted to have a skinfull, then table service is hardly a blocker. I speak from experience here and cast no judgement. But in my experience having a night on the tiles is easy and still feels pretty normal.

Personally I love table/tray service and I hope loads of places adopt it as standard procedure.