A counterpoint to the people saying there is a risk that remote working will threaten people's jobs.

Whilst I don't do much engineering these days - by training I'm a mechanical engineer.
Engineering in this country is hugely undervalued both in terms of financial reimbursement and social standing.
People seem to hold a lot more respect for a lawyer than an engineer for example.

Working in the medical device industry in any of the roles I've been doing over the last decade or so my pay would have been a lot more if I'd been doing them in the US, or Germany, or Ireland, or Switzerland etc. where they properly value their engineers.
For the US you'd probably double the salary and for the rest of Europe increase it by at least 50%

Remote working has now become a lot more normalised in the rest of Europe as well, and I've started getting head-hunters looking to fill roles in Ireland and Europe on places like Linked in that are 100% remote based and paid at the local rates, whereas previously they would have been mostly looking for relocation.