Quote Originally Posted by Llandaff Blue View Post
You aren’t very intelligent are you.

The behaviour isn’t okay but neither is generalising all England fans like you did in that thread. You think booing an anthem is worth crying over ffs.

There was a story about Italian fans kicking the shit out of a pizza guy the other week, unfortunately football brings out the worst in people (as you should know as a Cardiff fan!).

I hope they lose tomorrow but not cause their fans booed an anthem or a handful of them acted like dickheads after the Denmark game.
Far more intelligent than you can ever hope to be.
I don't think it's much to ask to be respectful to the oppositions anthem for 90 seconds.
Once the game starts then fair enough shout/sing whatever you like.
Still waiting for you to show when the Danes booed the Finish anthem btw
Total boll#cks you was talking there.
Where did I say evert English fan was doing this?
The have now been fined by fifa on 3 separate charges but let's not let this spoil your argument.
You keep on supporting them as its obvious you are a closet fan.