Quote Originally Posted by dml1954 View Post
Beyond burger is not a burger, its a vegetable patty. See how many they would sell if they called it that. Amazing how vegetarians and vegans spend half their time trying to recreate food that looks and tastes like meat. Whats that all about. Meat eaters should prepare food, that looks and tastes vegan/vegetarian, out of meat - that would soon become popular and avoid the need for vegans to look down their noses when they see people eating meat.
Why are you under the impression it's only vegans/veggies who eat meat replacements? Red meat doesn't agree with me so I eat Quorn mince and the occasional Quorn burger (or should I say 'patty' to avoid giving you an aneurysm). I still eat chicken and fish though.

I see far more meat eaters get their pants twisted over vegans than I do preachy vegans, just live to accept people have their choices grandad