Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
Ones far left thebotherv isv far right both warped ideologies.

Labour under Corbyn behavioued like a radical student fringe group off thier heads .

This quote below on election night from Labours Alan Johnson should help you :

“Corbyn was a disaster on the doorstep. Everyone knew that he couldn’t lead the working class out of a paper bag.

Now Jon’s Lansman developed this Momentum group, this party within a party, aiming to keep the purity, the culture of betrayal goes on.

“You’ll hear it more and more now over the next couple of days as this little cult get their act together. I want them out of the party. I want Momentum gone. Go back to your student politics and your little left wing...”
Enough of the vagueness, give me specifics. What exactly makes students 'lunatic fringe', what policies of Corbyn were 'warped'?