Having terrible trouble on one of my jobs with an unbalanced neighbour. She’s crackers, always complaining, she’s complained to the council about us, they’ve given her the bum’s rush realising she’s an out and out nutter. The job is on the Taff Trail in Taff’s Well and she lives opposite us, she complained to the body that supervises that, a representative from them called but could see that we weren’t a problem. Her husband is a great bloke who actually agrees with us that she’s loop da loop. Her main complaint is that we shouldn’t be driving on the trail (there’s no other way to get to the job), the family next door to our job use the trail in their car, it’s their only way to get to their house as well as us.

It’s a bit rich for someone who reckons that vehicles shouldn’t use the trail that she has four scrap cars, making the area look very untidy, on the grass verge outside her house. Anyway, she’s now bought a car and is obviously driving on the trail to reach her house.

Today a copper came on the job, very polite, asked me if I had a young lad working for me, I ask why and, containing a laugh, said that they’d had a complaint from the woman across the way that he’d made faces at her when she was getting in her car. The lad who works for me turned up then and the copper asks him if he’d made faces at the woman. He admitted to poking his tongue out at her and calling her a hypocrite over the vehicle situation.

The poking out of the tongue took place this morning and the police were there by early afternoon. So I advise anyone in the Taff’s Well area to be on their guard, don’t poke your tongue out, blow raspberries or thumb your nose at anyone or the rozzers will be there in no time. As for burglaries, robberies, violent incidents crack on.