Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
Watching it today, and guy gets asked “ The American Presidents official office in the Whitehouse, is named after what egg like shape?”
He answers “ The Pentagon !!”
It cracked me up 😂😂 (pun intended)
To be fair there are panicky answers and stupid ones and I would classify this as one of the former. It's not always the case but these are usually to be found during Round 2 when the contestants are against the clock and their brains can become scrambled.

I much prefer the really inane answers from contestants who should be ashamed by their profound lack of general knowledge. Would you stand up in front of millions of viewers and display your cerebral ineptitude ? I know I wouldn't !

Still, if they were all Masterminds it wouldn't be such fun. So what if the Himalayas are not in Europe, maybe they should be lol