Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
The world has gone mad surely. On top of the climate change problem and a viral pandemic problem now this:


A nuclear war might just do the job actually - reduce the human population at a stroke (human activity is responsible for climate change) and solve both problems simultaneously. There might be a rather large surge in CO2 emissions initially of course!
Indeed, Russia with Iran (Persia) and certain northern African countries are down to be key players in such mayhem according to Biblical prophecy. China being the other key mover wiping out a third of the planet - and who would scoff at that after their recent dry run, killing people in every nation on Earth.
It's no coincidence that Russia and China are now bedfellows on many issues >> "President Vladimir Putin’s show of strength with President Xi Jinping in Beijing last week amid the standoff with NATO on Ukraine was intended to demonstrate that Russia and China were on the same page on the “core interests” of upholding “international equity and justice” in the face of US “unilateralism”, and supported each other against “external interference and regional security threats” >> REPORT