Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
Or indeed that the richest only have 500k??

I don't even know where to start with your post but how about this, if you are going to denounce party politics, maybe don't back that up by posting a party political article from a well known biased internet shit rag. Plenty of conservative MPs couldn't bring themselves to vote for the bill, if you wanted to not be party political you could ask them why they chose that route.

Your assumptions about me are completely wrong, notice how I haven't made any assumptions about you or your motivations.
It's a verbatim video from Sky News. If you only watch news from sources you approve of you won't get the full picture. You should watch the video as it's wholly relevant. It's easy to nitpick but it's bloody hard to govern.

Sorry for any assumptions, that was wrong of me, but that is how it comes across. This is a big step forward that is a big movement in the right direction. One can argue it doesnt go far enough but it is a sea change and a positive move and people really should see it like that (unless you approve of people losing almost all their savings?)

It really does read a lot that people supportive of the opposition do not want things to succeed or do not want to see progress made if it isnt under their terms.