Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
My understanding is that somr Tory MPs, generally in working class areas, voted against due to a change in the legislation which made it less palatable, especially in terms of how the media and opposition framed it. They were, of course, safe in the knowledge the legislation would pass.
'Less palatable' in what way?

From what I heard, a lot of those who abstained rather than voted against did so because they were very confident the bill in its current form wouldn't make it past the next stage in the Lords. It won't be changed enough for me to support it but I think the new way of calculating the cap (that the gov tried to slip in without telling anybody) will be removed.

My suspicion is that were the exact same policy put forward by a different party then you would be in favour, recognising, imperfect that it is, that it is a step forward and gives more security to the poorest in old age, which it manifestly does compared to the system that is currently in place and has been for years
That probably says more about your approach to political discourse than mine. I supported May's policy as it created provision for people to access wealth held in their homes to pay for social care (i.e. what I have said in almost every post in this thread), unfortunately CCHQ wrecked it after she started nose-diving in the polls.