Some of you will be aware that I produced 'The Thin Blue Line' fanzine for fifteen years, between 1993 and 2008. Not so many will know that I lost a lot of my back copies after a flood at my old address. Not all of them - some were in plastic wallets, but most of the later issues were ruined.
Since that disaster, some ten years ago, I have gradually managed to locate almost all of the missing editions. Thanks to Martin and Andrew (who both gave me all of the copies they had - thanks, lads!), and after much searching on Ebay, I have just one left to find. But it's a long time ago now, and I'm beginning to lose hope of it just turning up.
So here it is - if you have a good clean copy of Issue 58, I'd like to take it off your hands. Please, check your attic, your garage, or down the back of your sofa. I'm looking for Issue 58. Thanks.