It’s the season goodwill 🎄
I’m feeling extremely generous
Thirty years ago me and two friends deposited five thousand pounds with a solicitor
Unheard of???
We purchased a horse racing system!!
The deal was if the system lost in the first month we would get it for FREE and receive our five grand back
It didn’t lose and we paid the money
That was the strength of the guarantee the vendor offered
Needless to say we profited vast amounts of money over many years
Don’t get too excited
We eventually got banned from every bookmakers all over South Wales and up the M4 corridor
On course bookies also had our measure and needless to say we had our betting severely restricted
A good mate of mine who is still employed by a high street bookie advised us to quit as every betting shop in the country had our pictures and for us - placing bets was futile
We as a threesome employed a driver (Abelhart) to drive us all over the country paying him a daily rate he was extremely happy with, and we were able to get our cash on (the internet and online gambling was in its infancy)
We bumped into some extremely undesirable characters who took offence to us plundering their coffers from their small independent bookies up and down the country and we had bumps in the road along the way.
Forget the tips I get
These are from reliable sources and totally separate
I suppose for me the adrenaline rush of winning was the best medicine I could take to suppress the emotional pain I still feel today
There’s no better rush than winning!!!

You will obviously need a betting bank

Depending on your stakes would determine your individual betting bank but bearing in mind the very fact that large amounts will ultimately be rejected
So a workable bank of £1500 is recommended from my own experience

Which is what brings me to my offer

For the above named plus three more bods I’m willing to divulge this money spinning system for Gratis


You will need to PM me though for the system details
Kind Regards
Sunnysideup 🤫🤩