Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
the economic arguments against independence for Wales would have applied equally, if not more so to Ireland 100 years ago.
they were the poorest part of the UK, today they are richer than the UK.
if they had not become independent they would prit still be the poorest part of the UK.

the additional spend Wales gets compared to the rest of the UK is because we are older, poorer and in worse health. but none of that money is going to change that. only infrastructure and transformational spending will achieve that and Wales are always a forgotten child when it comes to that.
That is a valid point about Ireland. However it took Ireland about 80 years to overtake the UK. So maybe it will benefit out great great great grandkids.

I'm not anti devolution at all. I think English regions should get more powers too, but I think the economic arguments for independence are very weak. Whatever they are however, it most definitely is not a 'no brainer' in any direction of argument.