Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
He's damned if he does damned if he doesn't with some of you. Cases have halved in the last week (2300-1200 https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-politics-59984873) and if he didn't lift restrictions it'd be all "DRIPFORD THE DICTATOR DRUNK ON POWER, THOSE POOR PUBS "

Being that he's saying a significant drop in cases means a drop in restrictions, which has literally been the policy for almost two years, it's 'OH YEAH, HE'S DROPPING RESTRICTIONS JUST FOR THE RUGBY WHAT A SURPRISE" even though that means that the hospitality sector you pretend to care so much about won't miss out on millions of pounds

The man's not perfect but it's ridiculous

It has been said all along that the evidence from other countries further ahead in the Omnicrom version that cases will fall as rapidly as they rise.

But you kid yourself that here in Wales that it’s fallen so quickly because of the illogical and meaningless restrictions Drakeford put in place.

Meanwhile the hospitality trade has lost millions as they’ve effectively been punished since December 17th. The two week period from Black Friday to New Years Day is when the sector can really cash in to see them through the quieter periods. It’s not just about the six nations.