Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
Did anyone watch this documentary earlier tonight (BBC 2 9.00pm)? Definitely worth a watch on iPlayer if you missed it.

A very moving set of stories from Holocaust survivors, all now in their 90's, recalling how they survived. I know I would not have done.

They have had their portraits painted for posterity, courtesy of Prince Charles. The one of the old chap Arek Hersh painted by the Italian artist was amazing - the colours and the portrait itself were so lifelike you would swear it was a photograph!
A great recommendation, and an extraordinary and remarkable people.

If you are visiting Poland and havent already visited AUSCHWITZ, then I would strongly suggest you go there. It's so professionally done and it's really one of those life experiences that somehow changes you and makes you feel that if you could somehow pay for everyone to go there once in their lifetime, then you would do it.

“Now I will make you small among the nations, despised by mankind" - Jermiah 49:15 (600BC)