A four-minute video at bitchute (titled: DR. VIVIANE BRUNET-BABIES CONCEIVED BY VAXED PARENTS ARE "TRANSHUMAN" AND NOT NORMAL.) had me watching it twice because I couldn't quite believe what the lady doctor being interviewed stated on first viewing. Which was, among other things, babies are being born to parents who were both Covid vaccinated before conception have unusual eyes, can stand at two weeks and walk at two months.

The doctor is a Mexican Gynaecologist. Her twitter account is: https://mobile.twitter.com/brunetviviane

It's plain from her twitter messages she's no fan of Covid vaccines. Numbers from official sources indicate over half the world's population have been fully Covid vaccinated, and typically around 130 million babies are born each year. If her claims are correct then by this year's end there will be millions of babies who will be developing, or aging, as she described... or there won't and her reputation will be in tatters.

The video's here - https://www.bitchute.com/video/9naLs8Bx4mDV/