I didn't realise that your wilderness months sabbatical had made you so needy, Morg.

I must confess I do enjoy running rings around you because I realise your unconcerned and uninformed apathy is an act.

I think it's not so much sniping as a turkey shoot based on the first gig of your comeback tour.

So far we have had:

Covid vaccines are bad and dangerous because an anti-vacc mexican doctor, with no evidence, said ebony-eyed kids were aging like Dorian Grey. Followed up by a debunked video of some random kid.

Credit for recognising the doctor's views were indeed hers. Lardy said they were mine. What a fibber!

Moving swiftly on to Covid vaccines are bad because the pharmaceutical companies were given a waiver from being sued thereby proving that they are bad and dangerous.

Vaccine makers have enjoyed total indemnity for their products since 1985 or 1986 in the USA. No surprise then that the number they've pushed onto their citizens rocketed immediately. As far as I know the mRNA ones, certainly, enjoy indemnity wherever they are used worldwide. One small point, China hasn't used a single mRNA dose on their 1.4 billion people. It's telling you haven't contested my assertion vaccine indemnity in the UK has been concealed big time. You would have been on a superglued rather than sticky wicket had you tried to. I understated it by saying deliberately concealed; it has been at best egregious bad faith, or malign.

No sooner had we landed there than it was off to the Covid vaccines have killed tens of thousand times fewer people than if there was no vaccine and this is really worrying.

Yeah, so few it must be the reason MSM and politicians don't trumpet 2,000 deaths and 1.5 million adverse reactions at every opportunity!

Followed by you can't trust the Pfizer vaccine and by implication other companies because of a criminal lawsuit settled 13 years ago.

Proven fraudsters as stated earlier. No attempt to debunk that assertion. Another surrender.

Topped off by you don't believe in Covid anyway!

I believe pathogenic viruses do not exist, so I would hardly queue up for a mystery substance courtesy of those Pfizer crims.

And I need to up my game?

Yes, you certainly do.