Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
No, it's certainly nor all of the fault of the UK Government, I admit that as someone who has no time whatsoever for Johnson or his party. By the same token, will those who make a point of blaming Labour for the 2008 World financial crisis admit that there were other factors at play which had an awful lot to do with what happened? The Conservative party of the time appeared to think that, because they backed the bulk of the measures Labour took in the months that followed.
I agree. People are always keen to blame 'the government' for all the ills, but most social or economic problems are often outside of government control or fixing problem A merely makes problem B worse. It's why so many people (lazily, IMO) think "all governments/parties are the same". They arent, it's just people have an unrealistic understanding of how to solve complex problems.

Anyway, Labour most definitely did not cause the global financial crisis (clue is in the name!). I guess the best criticism can be that they helped create the conditions in which it happened, and I think that famous treasury note was a pretty unsavoury act.

The time had come for a change of government anyway by 2010 anyway. Successful western economies flip between centre-right and centre-left governments, utilising the strengths and stabilities that both broadly bring.

The question for the UK now is whether it's time to flip back. Personally, in terms of current inflation issues, I don't blame the UK government anymore than I blame Labour for the global financial crisis.