Quote Originally Posted by The Bloop View Post
I think it's a generational thing. Asians and Afro-Carribean immigrants were met with shocking racism when they decided to settle in the UK in the 50's and 60's. Their children suffered in school and racism was very visible on the streets and also the terraces. Why would they choose to attend football matches and expose themselves to abuse? The next generation came along in the 80's and 90's so why would a parent expose their child to potentially the same abuse they saw or experienced- they just wouldn't. Sky TV and the Premier League appear in the early 90's and instead of attending matches they sit down and decide who to support by watching TV.
30 years on I think its getting better, but still a way to go.
and we are 30 years on, football has mostly become a pretty sterile event these days, the old days have long gone, them kids of the 90's have children / grand children, yes we still get the odd " unacceptable chant or shout, but isn't that a reflection on every day life ? ? ? football is certainly not the edgey place it used to be