Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
Oh yes, I do have an opinion, although I think the whole phrase needs to be in inverted commas.

To keep it simple I think it occupies a place alongside Truthpaste's biblical revelations - total bullshit for the terminally credulous and unhinged.

I believe in the Old World Order not the NWO/WEF. I'm sure these organisations of the rich and powerful exist and do a bit of political or financial manipulation to benefit themselves, but not the long-term masterplan (that seems to be incoherent and self defeating) that some fringe loonies believe and then pump out into YouTube as a big reveal.

The world is driven by competing economic class interests spiced with regular cock-ups and a very small dusting of global conspiracy. The Great Reset is as real as The Old Testament predicting the siege of Mariupol.
The fact that people of great wealth, power and influence are self seeking and will work together at times to make themselves more rich, powerful and influential is treated as some great revelation presented only to a select few while the rest of stumble about in blind ignorance unaware that we're all being manipulated. It never occurs to the "chosen ones" that many others can see what they can as well, but look at life in a more mundane way - as Jon says, cock up beats conspiracy nine times out of ten (at least) and marriages of convenience between the rich and the powerful last as long as they are, yes, convenient.

The baby boomer generation have had an easy time of it compared to almost every one that preceded it, but in the past two years the sort of crisis' that were commonplace to many of our forebears have been foisted upon us. In times past, it's was hardly surprising that many turned to far fetched conspiracy theories and half truths to explain why the world was such a mess, but you would have thought that it'd be different now - we have had s global pandemic that has killed millions and now we're seeing a brutal ransacking of a country of nearly 50 million people seemingly on the whim of one man.

The notion that what has happened since 2020 is some sort of organised event is to credit humanity with more intelligence than it, clearly, possesses.