The latest twist in attempts to impoverish us into a state of peasanthood is Russia's play to force countries who have imposed sanctions on Russia to pay for all the oil and gas they purchase from them beginning this Friday not in US dollars, Euros, Swiss francs or any other currency other than Russia's ruble. Critically, buyers will only be able to acquire those rubles in exchange for gold, the real physical yellow stuff and not paper representations of it.

Some countries are far more reliant than others for Russia's oil and gas. Finland is probably the most dependent of all. Those countries had better have plenty of gold in their vaults or buy it from countries that have otherwise their economies are toast. The problem for those wanting to purchase gold is the vendors know what they have is way undervalued priced in US dollars because it has been criminally suppressed for decades and they won't part with any of their reserves unless they are paid multiple amounts higher than the current spot price is.

Hussein in Iraq and Gaddafi in Libya were eliminated because they proposed to challenge the status quo as Putin is doing. .

Should the Russkies follow through on Friday then it will be a declaration of financial world war. The odds on Betty White being proved correct about nukes falling next Monday will shorten dramatically.