Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
I was going to post that organ but I knew you would come up Trumps
I get the sense you are at a fork in the road here, Mozz. On the one hand there are media reports that Putin, having embarked on an adventure in Ukraine that is backfiring is now using the levers he has to push back against Western sanctions and try to split the alliance of economic forces waged against him.

On the other hand, Putin is a protege of Karl Schwab, putting in place one of the elements of The Great Reset. In this instance, the decimation of the world's population to create a new order. We know this because a recently deceased Golden Girl told a YouTube influencer from beyond the grave that a seismic event will take place on April 4th. Having seemingly survived the Plandemic (after all how do we know that he is not also a spirit passing on wisdom), Organ Morgan is hunkering down in his bunker, cancelling his Asda online account and firing up the generator.

Tough choice mate. I don't envy you!