Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
The temperatures are set to rocket in Blighty next week.

Pfizer fan club members may want to wear a bucket hat should they dare to venture outdoors.

Hot weather: Warning that dehydration could lead to blood clots - expert - https://www.express.co.uk/life-style...to-blood-clots

Here's news of a militant member of the club, or former member.

Canadian comedian Nick. Nemeroff dies suddenly at 32. He mocked those who wouldn’t take the “vaccine” (that isn’t a vaccine) then regretted it himself from his hospital bed. https://twitter.com/mightyrighty/sta...46532116598784
I know you take offence if I poke holes in the Twitter links you post but come on!

What hospital beds have you ever seen with black wooden headboards?

That video is obviously part of a continuing joke he was making about not wanting a shot and regretting getting one.

It's unsurprising that he wasn't a famous comedian as it's not great material but nonetheless it is clearly a joke.