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Thread: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

  1. #1

    The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    This topic deserves it's own thread, so let's see how things develop over the coming months and years.

  2. #2
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    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    It is obscure that Salah was 7th , is it a dislike of middle eastern people / players , as I thought everything European was fair minded and inclusive by nature ??

  3. #3

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    It is obscure that Salah was 7th , is it a dislike of middle eastern people / players , as I thought everything European was fair minded and inclusive by nature ??
    Like Nazism and Putinism then?

  4. #4

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    There's every possibility this thread will become a rerun of the You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy one. Though contrary to your title, I thought it was telling that nobody who involved themselves in it, not even those who can be relied on to dismiss a conspiracy they would hate to be true as a 'theory' didn't do so, presumably because the evidence presented in it, mostly from the trap of Klaus Schwab, provided powerful evidence that the Great Reset conspiracy is real and there's a determination to implement it by no later than 2030 and with it ensure every Mr and Mrs Ordinary worldwide really will own precisely feck all.

    This one image - https://i.imgur.com/9FPBTGvl.jpg - for me encapsulates why collectively we are doomed. It may seem incredible today that those who control the messaging will be able to convince most people that losing everything they own will be desirable. Nevertheless, social conditioning (aka groupthink/hive mind/mass psychosis) worked a treat with regard to the endless promotion of mRNA jabs and most people's eagerness to be injected with a mystery substance that the makers had absolutely no legal liability for, a fact that was deliberately concealed from them from the outset, and still is. It's not that surprising that Schwab and co are certain their Great Reset is a foregone conclusion.

  5. #5
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    There's every possibility this thread will become a rerun of the You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy one. Though contrary to your title, I thought it was telling that nobody who involved themselves in it, not even those who can be relied on to dismiss a conspiracy they would hate to be true as a 'theory' didn't do so, presumably because the evidence presented in it, mostly from the trap of Klaus Schwab, provided powerful evidence that the Great Reset conspiracy is real and there's a determination to implement it by no later than 2030 and with it ensure every Mr and Mrs Ordinary worldwide really will own precisely feck all.

    This one image - https://i.imgur.com/9FPBTGvl.jpg - for me encapsulates why collectively we are doomed. It may seem incredible today that those who control the messaging will be able to convince most people that losing everything they own will be desirable. Nevertheless, social conditioning (aka groupthink/hive mind/mass psychosis) worked a treat with regard to the endless promotion of mRNA jabs and most people's eagerness to be injected with a mystery substance that the makers had absolutely no legal liability for, a fact that was deliberately concealed from them from the outset, and still is. It's not that surprising that Schwab and co are certain their Great Reset is a foregone conclusion.
    I clicked on the 'one image' in search of enlightenment - but it doesn't exist.

    Deleted by The New World Order I expect. Back to mass psychosis for me!

  6. #6

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Link works fine for me. It's an image of a person wearing a mask that has 'I do whatever my TV tells me to do' written on it.

    Have you an opinion on the World Economic Forum's Great Reset plans - is the prospect of owning nothing something you feel will make you and everyone you know happy? Or perhaps stultifying indifference is the way to go.

    How about being genetically altered? Here's two videos from 2015. The first features Schwab himself, the second is from another who's in his WEF stable. It wouldn't require the deductive powers of Sherlock Holmes or Hetty Wainthropp to wonder aloud whether mRNA shots is the editor.

    Gene Editing - Klaus Schwab - Charlie Rose - 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWURQXVidcY
    RNA Therapeutics and DNA Editing | Jennifer Doudna https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qECgqd6wJb0

  7. #7
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    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Link works fine for me. It's an image of a person wearing a mask that has 'I do whatever my TV tells me to do' written on it.

    Have you an opinion on the World Economic Forum's Great Reset plans - is the prospect of owning nothing something you feel will make you and everyone you know happy? Or perhaps stultifying indifference is the way to go.

    How about being genetically altered? Here's two videos from 2015. The first features Schwab himself, the second is from another who's in his WEF stable. It wouldn't require the deductive powers of Sherlock Holmes or Hetty Wainthropp to wonder aloud whether mRNA shots is the editor.

    Gene Editing - Klaus Schwab - Charlie Rose - 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWURQXVidcY
    RNA Therapeutics and DNA Editing | Jennifer Doudna https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qECgqd6wJb0
    Worked for me some folk eh??

    It's like a scene out of Mr Robot.

    I think the new world order and reset is well in advance of its deployment.

  8. #8

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    I clicked on the 'one image' in search of enlightenment - but it doesn't exist.

    Deleted by The New World Order I expect. Back to mass psychosis for me!
    I got a row of pictures of cartoon animals telling me I’d “taken a wrong turn”, so it seems to have worked fine for me.

  9. #9

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I got a row of pictures of cartoon animals telling me Id taken a wrong turn, so it seems to have worked fine for me.
    You probably have a Gullibility Blocker installed Bob. If you disable it and download the Illuminati for Bullshitters app it opens a world where the Plandemic started in 2015, the Controlovirus is breeding giant black-eyed babies and vaccines come with added HIV ready to decimate the World's population and make a small group of capitalists far richer through massive economic contraction.

    Be careful though. In the wrong hands this information could make you look like a right idiot. Of course if you are blessed with no self-awareness of are filled with narcissistic superiority then even massive levels of ridicule get filtered out.

  10. #10
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I got a row of pictures of cartoon animals telling me Id taken a wrong turn, so it seems to have worked fine for me.
    That's what I got too. No T shirts though.

  11. #11
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Link works fine for me. It's an image of a person wearing a mask that has 'I do whatever my TV tells me to do' written on it.

    Have you an opinion on the World Economic Forum's Great Reset plans - is the prospect of owning nothing something you feel will make you and everyone you know happy? Or perhaps stultifying indifference is the way to go.

    How about being genetically altered? Here's two videos from 2015. The first features Schwab himself, the second is from another who's in his WEF stable. It wouldn't require the deductive powers of Sherlock Holmes or Hetty Wainthropp to wonder aloud whether mRNA shots is the editor.

    Gene Editing - Klaus Schwab - Charlie Rose - 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWURQXVidcY
    RNA Therapeutics and DNA Editing | Jennifer Doudna https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qECgqd6wJb0

    Oh yes, I do have an opinion, although I think the whole phrase needs to be in inverted commas.

    To keep it simple I think it occupies a place alongside Truthpaste's biblical revelations - total bullshit for the terminally credulous and unhinged.

    I believe in the Old World Order not the NWO/WEF. I'm sure these organisations of the rich and powerful exist and do a bit of political or financial manipulation to benefit themselves, but not the long-term masterplan (that seems to be incoherent and self defeating) that some fringe loonies believe and then pump out into YouTube as a big reveal.

    The world is driven by competing economic class interests spiced with regular cock-ups and a very small dusting of global conspiracy. The Great Reset is as real as The Old Testament predicting the siege of Mariupol.

  12. #12

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Oh yes, I do have an opinion, although I think the whole phrase needs to be in inverted commas.

    To keep it simple I think it occupies a place alongside Truthpaste's biblical revelations - total bullshit for the terminally credulous and unhinged.

    I believe in the Old World Order not the NWO/WEF. I'm sure these organisations of the rich and powerful exist and do a bit of political or financial manipulation to benefit themselves, but not the long-term masterplan (that seems to be incoherent and self defeating) that some fringe loonies believe and then pump out into YouTube as a big reveal.

    The world is driven by competing economic class interests spiced with regular cock-ups and a very small dusting of global conspiracy. The Great Reset is as real as The Old Testament predicting the siege of Mariupol.
    The fact that people of great wealth, power and influence are self seeking and will work together at times to make themselves more rich, powerful and influential is treated as some great revelation presented only to a select few while the rest of stumble about in blind ignorance unaware that we're all being manipulated. It never occurs to the "chosen ones" that many others can see what they can as well, but look at life in a more mundane way - as Jon says, cock up beats conspiracy nine times out of ten (at least) and marriages of convenience between the rich and the powerful last as long as they are, yes, convenient.

    The baby boomer generation have had an easy time of it compared to almost every one that preceded it, but in the past two years the sort of crisis' that were commonplace to many of our forebears have been foisted upon us. In times past, it's was hardly surprising that many turned to far fetched conspiracy theories and half truths to explain why the world was such a mess, but you would have thought that it'd be different now - we have had s global pandemic that has killed millions and now we're seeing a brutal ransacking of a country of nearly 50 million people seemingly on the whim of one man.

    The notion that what has happened since 2020 is some sort of organised event is to credit humanity with more intelligence than it, clearly, possesses.

  13. #13

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Who would have thought that arch anti-globalist Naomi Klein was calling this out as complete bollocks over a year before the Illuminati's brightest and best first mentioned it on here. Though to be fair they were taking a well earned rest hoping for their Q and Covid acts to dim in the memory.


  14. #14

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

  15. #15

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Oh yes, I do have an opinion, although I think the whole phrase needs to be in inverted commas.

    To keep it simple I think it occupies a place alongside Truthpaste's biblical revelations - total bullshit for the terminally credulous and unhinged.

    I believe in the Old World Order not the NWO/WEF. I'm sure these organisations of the rich and powerful exist and do a bit of political or financial manipulation to benefit themselves, but not the long-term masterplan (that seems to be incoherent and self defeating) that some fringe loonies believe and then pump out into YouTube as a big reveal.

    The world is driven by competing economic class interests spiced with regular cock-ups and a very small dusting of global conspiracy. The Great Reset is as real as The Old Testament predicting the siege of Mariupol.
    Ta for your response.

    It appears real to me and to Mr Klaus 'we penetrate the capitals' Schwab.

  16. #16

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Who would have thought that arch anti-globalist Naomi Klein was calling this out as complete bollocks over a year before the Illuminati's brightest and best first mentioned it on here. Though to be fair they were taking a well earned rest hoping for their Q and Covid acts to dim in the memory.

    I did read it. I must admit that her surname sent up many red flags before proceeding. Sure enough, she's a true Climate Change and vaccine believer. There was no mention of abortion but I'll happily bet my last Pot Noodle against tuppence that she's extremely pro for a full house of every globalist's traits.

  17. #17

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Official figures suggest 38.6 million, or 57.5%, of Britons have been Covid vaccine boosted.

    Two articles linked below from the past two days may suggest the late Luc Montagnier's apocolyptic HIV/AIDS warnings had merit. Who would have thought arguably the world's leading HIV expert and former Nobel Prize winner knew what he was talking about when predicting the booster shot would destroy the natural immune system of those who chose to volunteer an arm.

    The latest UK Government data is devastating; it suggests the Triple Vaccinated are about to suffer Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome - https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/03/22/uk...-have-a-i-d-s/

    Frontline Doctor: Millions Will Get AIDS From COVID Shots By Fall (Video) - https://thewashingtonstandard.com/fr...by-fall-video/

    From the second link: So, the CV19 vaccines are actually injecting people with AIDS? Dr. Eads says, “That is exactly what I am telling you. That is what the Spike Lentivirus is. It is made up of HIV and AIDS along with SARS and MERS. That’s why the vaccinated and boosted are so sick. That’s why they dominate the hospitalizations regarding Covid illness as well.”

  18. #18

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I did read it. I must admit that her surname sent up many red flags before proceeding. Sure enough, she's a true Climate Change and vaccine believer. There was no mention of abortion but I'll happily bet my last Pot Noodle against tuppence that she's extremely pro for a full house of every globalist's traits.
    This is not even dog whistling to your anti-Jewish rhetoric. What should amaze me is that dog with a bone, Life on Mars could easily start a dozen threads with many pages of moral disgust if his nostrils sniffed the merest whiff of anti-semitism in the Labour Party. Yet here you are pouring out effluent like a main sewer and because you are one of his message board heroes (Long Live Organ Morgan), he is as quiet as a Jack's fart in Canton.

  19. #19

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Official figures suggest 38.6 million, or 57.5%, of Britons have been Covid vaccine boosted.

    Two articles linked below from the past two days may suggest the late Luc Montagnier's apocolyptic HIV/AIDS warnings had merit. Who would have thought arguably the world's leading HIV expert and former Nobel Prize winner knew what he was talking about when predicting the booster shot would destroy the natural immune system of those who chose to volunteer an arm.

    The latest UK Government data is devastating; it suggests the Triple Vaccinated are about to suffer Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome - https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/03/22/uk...-have-a-i-d-s/

    Frontline Doctor: Millions Will Get AIDS From COVID Shots By Fall (Video) - https://thewashingtonstandard.com/fr...by-fall-video/

    From the second link: So, the CV19 vaccines are actually injecting people with AIDS? Dr. Eads says, “That is exactly what I am telling you. That is what the Spike Lentivirus is. It is made up of HIV and AIDS along with SARS and MERS. That’s why the vaccinated and boosted are so sick. That’s why they dominate the hospitalizations regarding Covid illness as well.”
    You are not the first evangelist to selectively post other people's misinterpretation of the latest government data to try and prove that remaining unvaccinated is safer than the alternatives but if it makes you feel special I guess it bears repeating.

    Here is the report your first link (the one that, like shops with permanent closing down sale signs, reckons it will close within 6 days unless the gullible part with some hard earned cash) alluded to and selectively extracted information from.


    Pages 6-15 detail the effectiveness of vaccines. The full table on Page 41 (with the explanatory footnote that the website incredibly left out. explains the relativity of the figures quoted. You will note from that and further tables how the percentage of hospitalisations and deaths increases in the unvaccinated relative to those taking the vaccine.

    As for the other video. Seems we are back to the rogue doctor syndrome. This time a 25 year old from Florida. It seems gone are the days when you were pompously playing trumps with selectively edited BBC videos before fleeing that particular field in ridicule.

  20. #20

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    This is not even dog whistling to your anti-Jewish rhetoric. What should amaze me is that dog with a bone, Life on Mars could easily start a dozen threads with many pages of moral disgust if his nostrils sniffed the merest whiff of anti-semitism in the Labour Party. Yet here you are pouring out effluent like a main sewer and because you are one of his message board heroes (Long Live Organ Morgan), he is as quiet as a Jack's fart in Canton.
    I noticed before you are extremely touchy about our Khazarian friends.

    Getting back to the Great Reset, actress Betty White, who died recently, has supposedly warned humanity from beyond the grave of what's imminent. BETTY WHITE Spirit Box - What She Says Will SHOCK YOU! (She’s so POWERFUL!) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=575WNIhsS7k

    For anyone who cares not to click the link, she says nukes will fly on April 4. My stash of iodine tablets' use by date is July 2022 and I was becoming concerned I wasted dough on them.

    April 4 is a Monday. With most weekly State Pension payments being made on Tuesday then it'll be a double blow for oldies.

    What is the sequence for the Great Reset, then? Plague > war > famine > anarchy > Klaus and friends ride to the rescue. A long-winded but effective problem-reaction-solution play.

  21. #21
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Betty White.

    From beyond the grave.

    If only you'd told us that before you would not have faced so much scepticism.

    Now I believe!

  22. #22

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Betty and I could be wrong about what's immediately ahead. Instead of war > famine, it might be famine > war. Whichever it is I'm sure it's entirely scripted and been planned for a long time that's designed to ensure those who survive will not just meekly accept but beg for the Great Reset to ease their suffering. As Denis Healey wrote in his autobiography, 'world events do not occur by accident...'

    This is President Biden speaking on Thursday casually stating there will be food shortages: https://youtu.be/ohGa1DcA6BI?t=103

    It's telling he couldn't be bothered to feign concern.

    We've been conditioned for a while by corporate media to expect rising food prices along with energy costs and surging general inflation.

  23. #23

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Betty and I could be wrong about what's immediately ahead. Instead of war > famine, it might be famine > war. Whichever it is I'm sure it's entirely scripted and been planned for a long time that's designed to ensure those who survive will not just meekly accept but beg for the Great Reset to ease their suffering. As Denis Healey wrote in his autobiography, 'world events do not occur by accident...'

    This is President Biden speaking on Thursday casually stating there will be food shortages: https://youtu.be/ohGa1DcA6BI?t=103

    It's telling he couldn't be bothered to feign concern.

    We've been conditioned for a while by corporate media to expect rising food prices along with energy costs and surging general inflation.
    It's like a parallel universe Morg. Here's you fretting if the world will end as we know it in a fortnight because of the wisdom of a Golden Girl beyond the grave and your arch-mucker is frivolously speculating on which current Welsh footballing legend will be a future national manager.

    Surely even if we make it through these days unscathed we will probably own nothing in the choice between those multi-millionaires and still be happy?

  24. #24

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    I concur. I'll have to have a word with my protg. He needs to increase his doom-mongering content.

    In spite of its clickbait title, the fella hosting this video does a great job explaining what's happening with the global food supply. (June 2022) Global Food & Money Catastrophe - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CKZ0Ug9l3E

    You already know what I believe, this unfolding calamity is deliberately contrived.

  25. #25

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    A graph of fertilizer prices from 1993 to the present day. Sobering stuff.


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