Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
At the time of your message you had had 10 days to give it some consideration.

I linked you to Schwab's gene editing remarks at the WEF site and referred to Harari's "hackable animals" comments. Him saying what I claimed he did was made on camera, a link to that video (posted by I) can be found in this very thread.

When you can get around to then I'll do likewise. Fair's fair and all that.
I was travelling around Egypt ten days ago and after two days of getting back I spent 4 days on a campsite in Cornwall and this weekend on at a festival in the Midlands, old fruit - and not logging on to read every single message posted on here. I have to confess that I don't follow up on all your links as they come thick and fast, they often seem very contradictory -and very often debunked by others before I even see them on here.
Most people would be reticent to keep coming back to the well after endless embarrassments but it seems like water off a duck's back to you. The various Covid conspiracies you posted about have morphed considerably over the last couple of years.
TBG (Transhuman Blue Genie)