Quote Originally Posted by Raymond Holt View Post
I'm not sure what point you're making here?

If it's that the sanctions imposed on Iraq were completely ineffective and even counterproductive, but the US continued with them anyway causing many needless deaths, then I agree with you.

If it's that we aren't allowed be disgusted by comments made by a Western government official, for the sole reason that other world leaders (the baddies) are not subject to the same journalistic scrutiny at home, then that is absurd.
It would appear that anyone who doesn't share your oft expressed view that Western Democracies are the primary source of the world's ills are naive, absurd or both.

The answer you have damned Albright for came from a trap question where you either agreed that sanctions were wrong or looked heartless. She wasn't to know at the time that the figures of child mortality have subsequently been shown to be highly dubious and likely to have been doctored by the Hussein regime of course.


Your disgust at comments from Western government officials might have more credibility if you had similar distain for autocrats invading other countries rather than the reaction to them. In terms of Putin and Hussein I would have Albright, no saint, as the lesser of three evils. Based on your contributions to this board I am not sure you would reach the same conclusion.