1. Value time, family & friends above wealth, ambition and prosperity.
2. Never assume you'll get another chance to put something right.
3. Fame, likes, followers & popularity won't ultimately satisfy, find out what does.
4. Unless you can see string attached to your head, arms, hands & legs, make your OWN choices.
5. Only keep friends who really want to spend time with you, even in those times when you are laid up and completely useless to them.
6. Journal everything your older relatives tell you about family life when they were younger, and ask them for the other details you'd like to know while they can still remember; maybe shoot a short video when they tell you a story.
7. Aim to mainly watch TV that makes you a more interesting, informed and useful person than you were prior to watching it.
8. Read at least one book a month.
9. In case someone asks you - find out why you believe what you believe on the purpose of life, the origin of life and ultimate destiny.
10. Remember that the books of Wisdom (called 'Proverbs') were written by Solomon and have 31 chapters, so there will always be an appropraite chapter to read - read it daily and apply it's wisdom to your life.