Quote Originally Posted by Tito Fuente View Post
I'm angry that the costs were allowed to double. How hasn't that been clear?

Do I want a price cap or not? Yes please, but can it be one that allows the general public to afford to use their heating and run a bath without going into debt.

You seem adverse to the idea that the gargantuan corporations whose profits have soared (from BBC article today "BP's profits for the first three months of this year have more than doubled after oil and gas prices soared. The energy giant reported an underlying profit of $6.2bn (£4.9bn) compared to $2.6bn in the same period last year - ahead of expectations.")
pay a bit more so that Elsie and co. don't have to ride the bus to stay warm during the day or a mum with 3 kids doesn't have to skip meals so that one of her kids doesn't miss out.

We're living in the shit now, James. Why can companies make billions in profits while people starve? Tax them and ensure that the money goes to affordable energy. If they threaten to pull money out of green energy, tax them even more.
It's so simple isn't it! I don't need lecturing on the morality of it all - I agree with you on that. It's how to properly fix it in the real world.

Like I said, I am open to the idea. Discussing it is no bad thing and at least we have moved on from the tone earlier which was descending into the usual "BLoNdE mAn BaD" stuff.

What you will never do is eradicate every single story like the one in question here. There may be specific circumstances here that we aren't aware of and no government can protect every single person from any price rises.