The 9% is a big leap and the removal of the 12.5% hospitality cap, the removal of the fuel cap has been the main factor along with the Fuel crisis , pandemic and Ukraine and of course Brexit .

Yes to zero rating to energy .
Cant abolish / suspend green levy sadly as the opposition and metropolitan elite who can afford it will leap all over that one , but it woudl help the poor .
Align benefits to inflation ( but i guess if they go down , we will get the oh no you cruel people moment )
Reintroduce the triple lock for pensioners which the Tory / Liberal government introduced .
Give government workers 5% but look at lessening the tax burdening those pension deliver when comparing public with private work benefits .
Lets not forget a lot of private sector workers were furloughed on 80% pay ,government workers enjoyed full pay and mostly form home not incurring travelling / office working costs .
Id insulate homes before benefits rises as you cannot roll them back out whcih we saw in the pandemic .
Id give everyone a one off energy type heating voucher not cash for this winter.

Do worry about the easy answer of a windfall and its adverse effects a lot of pensions scheme if we move to the world of windfall as they are in the trillions ??