Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
I gave a very simple example which you either could not comprehend or chose to misrepresent.

350 Turkish lira is less than twenty quid, while 700k of the same currency is around 33 thousand pounds.

Factor in how long it would take to earn those two sums and the timeframe to accumulate their original wealth. When you have you might be able to conclude just why Asif would have a face down to his arse, as Ahmed yawns and shrugs about his loss.
Absolutely no context given to what jobs these people have in order to gauge how long it would take to accumulate wealth.

Considering one of them has the equivalent of £20 to their name and the other has over £30k in savings, I'm guessing one of them is going to struggle to recoup their losses more than the other*

*It's not the one who has £30k in savings.