A lot could be done if the public supported it many GP receptionist will tell you the old walk up could not continue with lots of folk going for very minor complainants ,where a bit of rest and a paracetamol will provide relief , the elderly also find the chat a reassurance appointment chat helpful but again a big pull on recourse ,all of which is understandable ,as that group of elderly grows as does the demand and costs .....

It needs something big and new to change to perhaps include Nurses /pharmacies dealing with minor health issues , the taking of blood pressures / cholesterol testing could perhaps be out housed .

I'd bring in a green ,amber and red units separate A& E to distinguish between the weekend drunks entries , minor issues and real emergencies to save lives .

How about charging for those who rock up pissed if they thought that would they go to A & E how that consumption of alcohol is continuing in these times is beyond me ??

I see nothing wrong with a means testing for care to better fund the NHS / Social care government have tried this with the new National Insurance cost for those earning over £39k perhaps there is a need for more after £60 ??

A lot of European countries provide a base NHS free to all but supported by supplementary additional costs to cater for other levels of care ....