Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
Sludge, inflation in Belgium is currently 9%. In Greece it's 11%, in Holland 8.8%. In Spain 8.7%. Germany 8%. In Poland it's 14%. Czech Republic, 16%! Nearly all of these are 40,50 year highs.

Is it the Tories causing this as well? Quite obviously anyone with half a brain can see it isn't. So if you genuinely care about the issue, it's worth working out whats causing it. If it's just a left-wing circle jerk people are after, then crack on, but you won't solve the problem you profess to care about whilst doing it.

Just blaming the government for inflation rising is like just thanking them when it falls again. It's not like nothing can be done about it, but it's limited what can be achieved, and what has been done (£150 payments, forthcoming £350 payments, increases in personal allowance etc) put money in peoples pockets without changing the headline inflation figure anyway - could be argued it has helped fuel it I guess, but you can't win if thats the case.
The crisis the Tories blamed Labour for was a worldwide crisis in the same way this current euro wide inflation hike is a country wide crisis

The Tories are in charge and if and political gain can be made by poking a stick in them , give me a stick

They don't like the boot being on the other foot