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Thread: George Carlin religion

  1. #151

    Re: George Carlin religion

    Quote Originally Posted by Lither_1927 View Post
    Do you believe our existence is "mind blowing and defies our current understanding" if so, would you accept we have a God i.e. our creator?
    I responded to this in my post.

  2. #152

    Re: George Carlin religion

    Quote Originally Posted by bigjoe View Post
    Well, we'll never know until we open the box
    But is it schrodinger's box? And does the contents of the box come into being once viewed with the human eye? (As Quantum Physcists now suggest could be the case)

  3. #153

    Re: George Carlin religion

    Quote Originally Posted by Baloo View Post
    I responded to this in my post.
    So, just for clarity, you accept that God or a "creator" could exist?

  4. #154

    Re: George Carlin religion

    Quote Originally Posted by Lither_1927 View Post
    Haha pick one fruitcake. But remember God is watching...
    I’ll do what the **** I want thanks

  5. #155

    Re: George Carlin religion

    Quote Originally Posted by WJ99mobile View Post
    What I have learnt from this thread is that there’s a particular person with multiple accounts.
    Don't talk in riddles, who is it?

  6. #156

    Re: George Carlin religion

    Quote Originally Posted by UNDERHILL1927 View Post
    I’ll do what the **** I want thanks
    Oooo Ark at Rambo yer... lolz

    You'll not do as you want but as God intends

  7. #157
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: George Carlin religion

    Quote Originally Posted by Lither_1927 View Post
    Oooo Ark at Rambo yer... lolz

    You'll not do as you want but as God intends
    Fair play you do talk some shite!

  8. #158

    Re: George Carlin religion

    Quote Originally Posted by Lither_1927 View Post
    How do you know what happens to an atheist when he dies? Please tell me your experiences. I'd love to know
    Surely if God exists he would have told you or one of his millions of fans what happens in the afterlife ?

    One of your lot can tell us ?

  9. #159

    Re: George Carlin religion

    Quote Originally Posted by Lither_1927 View Post
    Humanism does have to compete with religion, we need the truth Jon.

    The super natural is there. Whatever the truth of our existence is. It's super natural and beyond your capabilities clearly.

    Dismissing religion as "man made" is about as fatuous as it gets. Who do you think made man?

    No atheist can face death without terror, you are deluding yourself. Death for an atheist is a terrible prospect, it hangs over their subconcious for life.

    You don't half talk bollocks with a condescending air Jon. Just like you claiming ancient Brits were dark skinned. There is no evidence for this, which is why cheddar man was debunked as left wing rubbish, yet you still insist on it being true.
    A right wing Christian, my idea of hell

    How do you know that people who don't believe in God spend all their time worrying about death ? 🤔

  10. #160

    Re: George Carlin religion

    Quote Originally Posted by Lither_1927 View Post
    Don't talk in riddles, who is it?
    A snake ?

  11. #161

    Re: George Carlin religion

    Quote Originally Posted by Lither_1927 View Post
    Mass immigration and globalism represent chaos and the death of age old cultures and peoples. If the devil is chaos then God is order. I always prefer order to chaos.
    So if God is order then as he's omnipotent and very powerful .......why doesn't he sort out all this immigration that's bothering you ?

    I would have thought that he would sort it all out

    A few floods , plague of locusts ?

  12. #162

    Re: George Carlin religion

    I'm guessing that many posters on here are Welsh - descendants of Welsh people and proud of it.
    It is fact of history that the fabric of Welsh history - its culture and heritage is largely the product of religion. It was the chapels of Wales who took the lead in teaching literacy to the Welsh nation. The songs and arias that are sung so proudly at sports events today are sourced from religion. If you know anything of your family history, you'll likely be aware of how religion, either Anglican or more likely Non-conformist was integral to their lives.
    Just wondering how knowledge of one's Welsh heritage sits with some of the views of religion expressed in this thread......

  13. #163

    Re: George Carlin religion

    Quote Originally Posted by Lither_1927 View Post
    Oooo Ark at Rambo yer... lolz

    You'll not do as you want but as God intends
    Thank God he intended me to sit on my sofa and do **** all this evening. Praise be

  14. #164
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Jan 2007
    Sheffield - out of Roath

    Re: George Carlin religion

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    I'm guessing that many posters on here are Welsh - descendants of Welsh people and proud of it.
    It is fact of history that the fabric of Welsh history - its culture and heritage is largely the product of religion. It was the chapels of Wales who took the lead in teaching literacy to the Welsh nation. The songs and arias that are sung so proudly at sports events today are sourced from religion. If you know anything of your family history, you'll likely be aware of how religion, either Anglican or more likely Non-conformist was integral to their lives.
    Just wondering how knowledge of one's Welsh heritage sits with some of the views of religion expressed in this thread......
    It sits just fine with me.

    I am an atheist, but many of may family and friends have religious beliefs (or at least conform to the customs and practices). Mainly non-conformist Christians, but some Moslem, some Jews and a few Sikhs. My dad was a free-thinking Christian with a deep distrust of organised religion (the various branches of Christianity plc). My brother and his husband are Buddhist and totally inoffensive apart from the chanting! We co-exist very happily, but generally avoid arguing about religion, unless it spills over into social or political issues - and even then often agree.

    My/our history and heritage is mainly non-conformist Christianity for the past two and a half centuries. I am very interested in the architecture, the customs, the mind-set and beliefs that dominated my ancestors lives. They wouldn't have been who they were without a major influence from their beliefs. I don't have to believe any of it myself. And I don't.

  15. #165

    Re: George Carlin religion

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Religions don't answer 'why' - otherwise there wouldn't have been thousands of deities in the history of the planet and which have differed so much or are contradictory.
    They may have tried to answer the question 'why' for primitive peoples who had little or no understanding of meteorology, microbes, electricity, atoms and various causes of natural phenomena - but we have the benefit of knowing much more than unknown scribes millenia ago who wrote fairy stories or, in many cases, rewrote pre-existing fairy stories with new spins. Hence the endless schisms that happen in religions.
    You can go on kidding yourself that simple people have found God yet other superior beings have found nothing. Yet your own DNA contradicts such a stance, programming always requires a programmer.

    Yes we KNOW much more, like your average man now owns a SMART-phone, but in many ways is less aware/ educated than his counterpart who never had the use of new technology. ie Knowledge is one thing WISDOM is another, and the first rarely arrives with the second!

    The many deities is no proof of no true deity, just as the numerous fake Rolex watches doesn't demonstrate the existence of no genuine Rolex Watch.

    But if you wish to question/ debate a respected Scientific Professor who works less than an hours drive from Cardiff, and is one of the most gifted scientists in his field in the UK yet also believes in Creation including 6 days, then here are his details > Professor Stuart Burgess

    And his Academic RECORD

  16. #166

    Re: George Carlin religion

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    So if God is order then as he's omnipotent and very powerful .......why doesn't he sort out all this immigration that's bothering you ?

    I would have thought that he would sort it all out

    A few floods , plague of locusts ?
    You're mentally unstable and rather chaotic.

  17. #167
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Sheffield - out of Roath

    Re: George Carlin religion

    Quote Originally Posted by Lither_1927 View Post
    You're mentally unstable and rather chaotic.
    You are very fond of verbally abusing posters who disagree with you.

    Why not just accept that not everyone loves a fiery cross and a white hood?

  18. #168

    Re: George Carlin religion

    Quote Originally Posted by Lither_1927 View Post
    You're mentally unstable and rather chaotic.
    I’m impressed by your patience and persistence in this thread. There’s only so much I could take of ‘ you’re talking crap, it’s all a f’ing accident butt’.

  19. #169

    Re: George Carlin religion

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    You are very fond of verbally abusing posters who disagree with you.

    Why not just accept that not everyone loves a fiery cross and a white hood?
    Who have i verally abused Jon? Sludge is probably the single most obnoxiius, insulting "know it all" on the board. I'm just treating him how he treats others. Still not verbally abused him though.

  20. #170

    Re: George Carlin religion

    Quote Originally Posted by Lither_1927 View Post
    Mass immigration and globalism represent chaos and the death of age old cultures and peoples. If the devil is chaos then God is order. I always prefer order to chaos.

    “Do not mistreat or oppress a foreigner, for you were foreigners in Egypt" - EXODUS 22:21

    "The same law applies both to the native-born and to the foreigner residing among you.” - EXODUS 12:49

    "He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing" - DEUTORONOMY" 10:18

    "Do not take advantage of a hired worker who is poor and needy, whether that worker is a fellow Israelite or a foreigner residing in one of your towns". - DEUTORONOMY 24:14

    "And you are to love those who are foreigners, for you yourselves were foreigners in Egypt" - DEUTORONOMY 10:19

    "But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ" - PHILIPPIANS 3:20

    "In you they have treated father and mother with contempt; in you they have oppressed the foreigner and mistreated the fatherless and the widow." - EZEKIEL 22:7

    "Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the foreigner or the poor. Do not plot evil against each other." - ZACHARIA 7:9-10

    "He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing." - DEUTORONOMY 10:18-19

    "When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them" - LEVITICUS 19:33-34

  21. #171

    Re: George Carlin religion

    Quote Originally Posted by Lither_1927 View Post
    Who have i verally abused Jon? Sludge is probably the single most obnoxiius, insulting "know it all" on the board. I'm just treating him how he treats others. Still not verbally abused him though.
    You praise this bloke in the sky called God who is good and holy yet you have done a very good impression of Adolf Hitler with your views on immigration recently ......and ignored questions you clearly don't like answering ...

    Yet its me who is mentally unstable ?

    You are a completely Potty off your cake xenophobic fruitcake

  22. #172

    Re: George Carlin religion

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    “Do not mistreat or oppress a foreigner, for you were foreigners in Egypt" - EXODUS 22:21

    "The same law applies both to the native-born and to the foreigner residing among you.” - EXODUS 12:49

    "He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing" - DEUTORONOMY" 10:18

    "Do not take advantage of a hired worker who is poor and needy, whether that worker is a fellow Israelite or a foreigner residing in one of your towns". - DEUTORONOMY 24:14

    "And you are to love those who are foreigners, for you yourselves were foreigners in Egypt" - DEUTORONOMY 10:19

    "But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ" - PHILIPPIANS 3:20

    "In you they have treated father and mother with contempt; in you they have oppressed the foreigner and mistreated the fatherless and the widow." - EZEKIEL 22:7

    "Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the foreigner or the poor. Do not plot evil against each other." - ZACHARIA 7:9-10

    "He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing." - DEUTORONOMY 10:18-19

    "When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them" - LEVITICUS 19:33-34
    Unless it's this idiot

  23. #173

    Re: George Carlin religion

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Blue View Post
    I’m impressed by your patience and persistence in this thread. There’s only so much I could take of ‘ you’re talking crap, it’s all a f’ing accident butt’.
    Oh christ , two of them

  24. #174

    Re: George Carlin religion

    Quote Originally Posted by truthpaste View Post
    You can go on kidding yourself that simple people have found God yet other superior beings have found nothing. Yet your own DNA contradicts such a stance, programming always requires a programmer.

    Yes we KNOW much more, like your average man now owns a SMART-phone, but in many ways is less aware/ educated than his counterpart who never had the use of new technology. ie Knowledge is one thing WISDOM is another, and the first rarely arrives with the second!

    The many deities is no proof of no true deity, just as the numerous fake Rolex watches doesn't demonstrate the existence of no genuine Rolex Watch.

    But if you wish to question/ debate a respected Scientific Professor who works less than an hours drive from Cardiff, and is one of the most gifted scientists in his field in the UK yet also believes in Creation including 6 days, then here are his details > Professor Stuart Burgess

    And his Academic RECORD
    Rolex watches are actually there , in your hand , wether imitation or not , they exist

    These gods or God are imaginary ......unless you can introduce me to one in which case I will be down the church next Sunday

    I don't want words from the bible ......let's have proof of God

  25. #175

    Re: George Carlin religion

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Rolex watches are actually there , in your hand , wether imitation or not , they exist

    These gods or God are imaginary ......unless you can introduce me to one in which case I will be down the church next Sunday

    I don't want words from the bible ......let's have proof of God
    I'm not going to your baptist church, Lynn!

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