I get the Times and Sunday Times sometimes, though less often than I did. I do particularly like a Sunday paper, with a good review of the weeks news and all the football scores laid out on one page.

I buy the 'i' newspaper sometimes. It's very good, pretty centrist and quite cheap. Will make it last a couple of train journeys to work. I got the Western Mail the day after Wales qualified for the world cup and that will be added to a small collection of things I have like the NY Daily News after Obama won and the Guardian after 9/11 etc. Generally the Western Mail and Echo have massively declined in quality though, so I rarely buy it.

Sometimes I will buy the Spectator or Private Eye. I buy the Economist 'Year Ahead' guide every year. I'll probably buy the 442 season preview and I try to get a hold of the German 'Sportsmagazin Kicker Sonderheft' which is amazing. The odd Rugby World or World Soccer too maybe.

Generally I do value having something to hold as opposed to reading on a screen all the time.