Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
I agree with you.

It is Tory politicians doing what Tory politicians do - acting in the interests of a few at the expense of the many, and dressing it up with false claims about 'national interest' and other flag waving hypocrisy. Although Sunak and Truss do seem to be a bit surprised by the real world effect of all their policy decisions - so I'm not convinced they have worked it all out in their heads and focus groups.

But what I do not accept is that this is all the product of an international conspiracy of super villains living in a cave in Switzerland or a bunker under Dallas - sending out instructions to their vast stable of acolytes running governments and corporations around the world.

The rich and powerful have shared interests that they promote - and they talk to each other and collaborate to maximise their profits, wealth, status and influence. The poor and dispossessed have similar shared interests and need to find ways to fight back.

That is the old capitalist/imperialist world order. Organ and Gluey like to overlay (often contradictory) plot lines that add nothing to our understanding of what happens and why - and have the effect of deflecting from what should be the real target.
Regarding your fourth paragraph, the “independent thinkers” (who all think the same things) seem to believe that the rest of us haven’t realised this.