Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
I’d like to see this MB change to us all having to use our real identities.
So would I. That's something I've always advocated, but it will never happen.

I believe this message board is currently in far and away the worst state it's ever been in, and it's now a complete and utter shambles. CCMB is dominated by two deranged individuals who seem to have nothing better to do with their lives than continually post divisive rubbish on here, and there are a number of other cowardly morons who keep reappearing under various different usernames in order to disrupt pretty much every thread. Meanwhile, the board's one and only regular moderator isn't in any way fit for the role.

It's a shame, as CCMB used to be great fun and it had a significant number of decent contributors, but it's gone from bad to worse in recent years. Standards have slowly but very surely plummeted and it's reached the stage where most of the best posters have already left, and the remainder are posting less and less often.

I think the time has come for this particular section of CCMB to become a dedicated football-only message board. All other subjects should be either discussed in another part of the forum, or the threads concerning anything else should be instantly deleted.

CCMB is on its knees and desperately needs to change. Mike has a decision to make, because it can't carry on like it is now.