Telegraph running with this below...

"Russian soldiers who refuse to fight during periods of martial law will face stricter punishment, the country’s parliament has decreed, in a sign the Kremlin may be considering full military mobilisation.
Russia’s State Duma rushed through a bill on Tuesday introducing extra penalties for crimes such as desertion during times of martial law and general mobilisation. It also singled out “voluntary surrender” and looting as separate crimes punishable by imprisonment of 10 years and 15 years, respectively.
The bill, which still needs to be signed off by Putin, is the clearest sign yet that the Kremlin is laying the groundwork for general mobilisation, which up until now it has avoided.
It comes amid a lightning-fast Ukrainian counter-offensive and a mounting Russian manpower crisis.
Meanwhile, Moscow-backed separatists in Ukraine's eastern Donbas region said on Tuesday that they will hold referenda on becoming part of Russia from September 23 to 27."

Putin wouldn't have wanted a long drawn out war like this (well to be honest we don't actually know his original mad objectives in starting this) but there seems to be a lot of noise trying to find resolutions as lets be honest neither country will want this to go into the winter. That BBC piece above is interesting from Erdogen that Putin wants a quick end but what does that actually consist of to make it happen? Referendums in the Donbas will surely be fixed and challenged by both countries whoever loses.