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Thread: The New Iron Lady

  1. #51

    Re: The New Iron Lady

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    it also has the current Tory as the most economically right wing party in any country. leapfrogging the republican party and bolsonaro.

    Attachment 5203
    Yeah, who on earth came up with that?! They are literally about to give £400 to every household to mitigate for rising prices within the energy market. It absolutely is NOT free market economics, let along economic 'far right'. I agree they are firmer believers in free market economics than Johnson, but still.. (which interesting dont fit on the far-right scale at all. What we call the far-right are nearly always believers in state intervention)

  2. #52

    Re: The New Iron Lady

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    In a basic reply to Truss being a new Iron Lady we will find out soon she needs to prove she ain't for turning , I note the glee from Labour about the chaos ..

    Pity the BOE was so late to the party of rate rises and wrongely assuming inflation was temporary , that mistake was seen accross many other European banks . ..

    My gut feeling this chaos was planned .. it's happened before .

    I remember intrest rares at 9% .

    With multiple strikes taking place its good to see they can afford lesser pay.
    I've read this four times and still can't understand your drift. Could you please try to elucidate in simpler language for us lesser folk?

  3. #53

    Re: The New Iron Lady

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    I've read this four times and still can't understand your drift. Could you please try to elucidate in simpler language for us lesser folk?
    ThE GrEAt REsEt

  4. #54

    Re: The New Iron Lady

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    I think the 33% lead is probably an outlier - two more since put it at 21% and 20%; still massive, well above the 6-10% lead of the week before and well above the lead in the last months of Johnsons reign.

    The last week will go down as how not to manage a budget that contained in all honestly only moderately controversial issues - the market was (is) properly spooked. Strikes me the absence of OBR involvement and going well beyond what they promised, alongside a general feeling of rushing and of course more borrowing created the big issue. The interviews yesterday were also a textbook mistake. There may be a benefit in talking to 'local markets' on the radio but yesterday wasn't it. In doing several 5 minute interviews she set herself up for a fall. One longer one would have made more sense. There was good economic data this morning (GDP in Q2 revised up, current account not as bad as expected, business investment up more than expected) and the market is already returning to some normality - what happens in the longer term remains to be seen.

    Labour had a good conference. Really, they just need to keep their nose clean and they will probably win the next general election even if it isn't for another two years or more. If there was an election tomorrow I would vote Labour. But there isn't one tomorrow..

    There is every chance that the policies announced will work economically and Labour will need to consider that. It is also a fact, whether you guys like it or not, that every western (especially European) country really is going through very severe economic issues, sometimes slightly different to our own, sometimes the same..sometimes slightly worse, sometimes slightly better. Until Ukraine is sorted, nothing is sorted.

    We are in very choppy waters and that undoubtedly benefits the opposition, just as it benefits pretty much every opposition party in the world. Combine that with a detoxified Labour Party, who are now seen as more economically competent and with a likeable leader and you have all the hallmarks of Labour retaining their lead.

    That said, I reiterate, IMO there is every chance these economic changes work and I do think this 33% poll is a low point, not the norm.
    The issue for the Tories is, 'its not what you know, it's what you can prove in court'. The next few years are going to be noticeably shit for 80+% of the population whether the Tory policies have their desired effect or not. I can't see truss winning an election on 'look we stimulated less of a recession than their would have been' while people are losing their homes and livelihoods.

    The big mistake was the 45% rate, it has set her in stone in the eyes of public as somebody who isn't on their side.

    I think labours messaging of partnering with business but holding it to account (and retaining a stake in the output) is exactly how almost everybody in this country thinks it should be run.

  5. #55

    Re: The New Iron Lady

    Quote Originally Posted by Canton Kev View Post
    ThE GrEAt REsEt
    It will succeed not because it's architects are CLeVeR, but because people are so STuPiD

  6. #56

    Re: The New Iron Lady

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    it also has the current Tory as the most economically right wing party in any country. leapfrogging the republican party and bolsonaro.

    Attachment 5203
    I think that means we are allowed to say far right now (probably need to qualify it with 'economically' until next week when they start murdering protesters)

  7. #57

    Re: The New Iron Lady

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    I've read this four times and still can't understand your drift. Could you please try to elucidate in simpler language for us lesser folk?
    It doesn't matter, he's Wales bales problem now, full custody.

  8. #58

    Re: The New Iron Lady

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    I've read this four times and still can't understand your drift. Could you please try to elucidate in simpler language for us lesser folk?
    It seemed pretty coherent to me.

  9. #59

    Re: The New Iron Lady

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    I think that means we are allowed to say far right now (probably need to qualify it with 'economically' until next week when they start murdering protesters)
    It's a ridiculous chart. There isn't really 'far-right' economics. 'far-right' parties are usually as pro state-intervent as left-wing parties.

    Far-right economics, if such a thing exists (we would normally call it liberal) would be all about flat rates of tax at very low levels, zero-market intervention and things like that. That most definitely is not what is happening, even if it could be considered a small step in that direction, which is debatable..like I said, borrowing to give everyone £400 to mitigate the costs of the energy market isn't a move in that direction at all.

    It's a bizarre and inaccurate chart

  10. #60

    Re: The New Iron Lady

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    It doesn't matter, he's Wales bales problem now, full custody.
    You got tossed a bone and then you spent the whole week licking the thing

  11. #61

    Re: The New Iron Lady

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I agree it will be very hard for Labour to overturn such a big majority, but, having never had a poll deficit level of a third of what this one is which I can remember under Johnson's leadership despite all of the scandals, cock ups and dodgy dealings, I keep thinking about a quote I've heard a few times this week about it taking years to build up a reputation for competence and a minute to lose it.

    Truss has none of Johnson's, alleged, charisma and I don't think your average voter likes her. She would have to be a pretty good Prime Minister to get people on her side I reckon and, at the moment, she's a laughing stock because of schoolgirl errors she's made which, increasingly I'm hearing have a lot to do with arrogance on her and Kwateng's part. Although the polls are certain to close and she could yet win in 2024, I don't see this week being forgotten by a significant number of people who voted Tory in 2019, it does all feel like the same sort of impact as Black Wednesday in 1992.
    The biggest problem the Tories have with Truss is that she's essentially fake. She has gone virtually through the full gamut of political stances from anti-monarchist lefty to active Lib Dem supporter, to right leaning Remainer to reformed Brexiteer to right wing fantasist. If nothing else she sure is transparent.

    Even down to her appearance she has cultivated a repositioning of herself as a new Thatcher all as part of the plan which she has succeeded in achieving of reaching the dizzy heights. Few people believe Liz Truss truly believes in anything apart from a passionate love of ...Liz Truss. The way she laps up the attention of the media in photo and video exchanges betrays her true self.

    All this doesn't matter too much if her government achieved better living conditions for the majority of the country. People would vote for her despite herself. But ,as now, it's when things go wrong that matter and it's where she and her party face a massive problem.

    Because she's a chameleon she has a low and likely waning support base. Because she is seen as being devoid of charisma she does not enthuse enough of the electorate. She is not seen as bright, communicative nor competent. She doesn't even have the support of the majority of the Parliamentary party.

    I think the Tories only possible chance of avoiding catastrophe is to oust her soon and maybe get someone at least competent to lead. But of course if they do just that then that will likely be seen as an admission of failure and could hasten their demise in itself.

  12. #62

    Re: The New Iron Lady

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    The biggest problem the Tories have with Truss is that she's essentially fake. She has gone virtually through the full gamut of political stances from anti-monarchist lefty to active Lib Dem supporter, to right leaning Remainer to reformed Brexiteer to right wing fantasist. If nothing else she sure is transparent.

    Even down to her appearance she has cultivated a repositioning of herself as a new Thatcher all as part of the plan which she has succeeded in achieving of reaching the dizzy heights. Few people believe Liz Truss truly believes in anything apart from a passionate love of ...Liz Truss. The way she laps up the attention of the media in photo and video exchanges betrays her true self.

    All this doesn't matter too much if her government achieved better living conditions for the majority of the country. People would vote for her despite herself. But ,as now, it's when things go wrong that matter and it's where she and her party face a massive problem.

    Because she's a chameleon she has a low and likely waning support base. Because she is seen as being devoid of charisma she does not enthuse enough of the electorate. She is not seen as bright, communicative nor competent. She doesn't even have the support of the majority of the Parliamentary party.

    I think the Tories only possible chance of avoiding catastrophe is to oust her soon and maybe get someone at least competent to lead. But of course if they do just that then that will likely be seen as an admission of failure and could hasten their demise in itself.
    After reading all that she sounds like the perfect candidate to wreck Britain, and her and Joe will make a great team moving forward.

  13. #63

    Re: The New Iron Lady

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    It will succeed not because it's architects are CLeVeR, but because people are so STuPiD
    It's lucky for us common folk that an insidious global cabal, with a plan that will wreak utter havoc and destroy our way of life as we know it, have plans that are easily unearthed via google and people with a Twitter account.

    I bet you a tenner the Great Reset, as the dystopian 1984-esque future you believe it will be, doesn't happen.
    Of course if I'm wrong it doesn't matter because tenners won't exist any more

  14. #64

    Re: The New Iron Lady

    What I feel could be be an undoing of Truss et al is a misreading (or arguably a knowingly and opportunistic use) of what I feel the broad lurch of support towards Brexit represented for the average person that voted for it.

    To be a little reductionistic, to me, Brexit was (is) about people wanting a greater sense of security from and a voice in the running of their state. What Truss represents, again being reductionistic, is what the “Singapore on Thames” / “ERG” model of Brexit represents - essentially, the further rolling back of the state. What I always found interesting during the referendum run in was how little this vision was articulated or pushed, knowingly or not. Take the most emblematic image from the campaign - the NHS bus.

    Personally, I feel this was tactical or strategic because that isn’t what I think, at least, was what the “average” Brexit voter was about or wanted as an end point. I think broadly Covid and the response to it has compounded this too. People want their state to provide security and stability. It was about taking “control” not giving it away.

    Boris’ “levelling up” agenda tapped into this, about areas left behind that yearned for greater prosperity and better (arguably more) public services. This was the “red wall”/Brexit pitch to me, however shallowly thought out and underdeveloped it was. Apart from those newly sworn in MPs oop north, and the cleansing of Brexit non-believers from the party, the now outsized flank of the party were ideologically opposed and uncomfortable with this. To my mind, Truss et al are using this moment - perhaps as a last gasp and roll of the dice - to ram through their vision of what Brexit allows them to try and realise.

  15. #65

    Re: The New Iron Lady

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    It's a ridiculous chart. There isn't really 'far-right' economics. 'far-right' parties are usually as pro state-intervent as left-wing parties.

    Far-right economics, if such a thing exists (we would normally call it liberal) would be all about flat rates of tax at very low levels, zero-market intervention and things like that. That most definitely is not what is happening, even if it could be considered a small step in that direction, which is debatable..like I said, borrowing to give everyone £400 to mitigate the costs of the energy market isn't a move in that direction at all.

    It's a bizarre and inaccurate chart
    I take your point but the energy intervention is flat rate, Richard Branson gets the same as Wayne and Waynetta. It's a confusing mix no doubt but a progressive or left approach wouldn't be to give millionaires and billionaires the same package as those who actually need support.

    I don't remember anybody questioning whether there could be far left economic policy when Corbyn was leader of the opposition so the idea that far right economics can't exist just confuses the situation.

    I have always liked the political compass matrix of left to right economically and authoritarian to libertarian socially because even if you think there should be a finer nuance applied, it is at least clear what it means.

  16. #66
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    Re: The New Iron Lady

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    The pound is back to where it was a week ago, so could it have been a planned event? We'll see if there is a repeat performance, because it will need more fear to destroy the existing currency and replace it with digital.
    Dropping again.

  17. #67

    Re: The New Iron Lady

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I agree it will be very hard for Labour to overturn such a big majority, but, having never had a poll deficit level of a third of what this one is which I can remember under Johnson's leadership despite all of the scandals, cock ups and dodgy dealings, I keep thinking about a quote I've heard a few times this week about it taking years to build up a reputation for competence and a minute to lose it.

    Truss has none of Johnson's, alleged, charisma and I don't think your average voter likes her. She would have to be a pretty good Prime Minister to get people on her side I reckon and, at the moment, she's a laughing stock because of schoolgirl errors she's made which, increasingly I'm hearing have a lot to do with arrogance on her and Kwateng's part. Although the polls are certain to close and she could yet win in 2024, I don't see this week being forgotten by a significant number of people who voted Tory in 2019, it does all feel like the same sort of impact as Black Wednesday in 1992.
    The GE is two years from now. A lot will happen in politics in that time and by and large, this past week will be forgotten.

  18. #68

    Re: The New Iron Lady

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    I take your point but the energy intervention is flat rate, Richard Branson gets the same as Wayne and Waynetta. It's a confusing mix no doubt but a progressive or left approach wouldn't be to give millionaires and billionaires the same package as those who actually need support.

    I don't remember anybody questioning whether there could be far left economic policy when Corbyn was leader of the opposition so the idea that far right economics can't exist just confuses the situation.

    I have always liked the political compass matrix of left to right economically and authoritarian to libertarian socially because even if you think there should be a finer nuance applied, it is at least clear what it means.
    Yeah, but that does take time to implement. The govt is also investing record amounts in a socialised healthcare system. I dunno, they are definitely more 'economically liberal' than Johnsons govt, but I think that chart is well off, and putting 'far right' on the lower axis is plain wrong. It conjures up images of fascist parties etc, which absolutely were not free market economists.

    Looks like it's been labelled to be shared on twitter tbh.

  19. #69

    Re: The New Iron Lady

    Quote Originally Posted by DryCleaning View Post
    The GE is two years from now. A lot will happen in politics in that time and by and large, this past week will be forgotten.
    Bear in mind this is all before winter properly kicks in. Where people will be seeing record high bills, over double what they were paying last year. That won't last a week and certainly won't be as easily forgotten

  20. #70

    Re: The New Iron Lady

    Quote Originally Posted by Canton Kev View Post
    Bear in mind this is all before winter properly kicks in. Where people will be seeing record high bills, over double what they were paying last year. That won't last a week and certainly won't be as easily forgotten
    Mortgage rises are yet to kick in too.

  21. #71

    Re: The New Iron Lady

    Quote Originally Posted by Canton Kev View Post
    Bear in mind this is all before winter properly kicks in. Where people will be seeing record high bills, over double what they were paying last year. That won't last a week and certainly won't be as easily forgotten
    This government aren't responsible for the rise in energy prices. Most people understand the root causes

  22. #72

    Re: The New Iron Lady

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Mortgage rises are yet to kick in too.
    And savers rates are also rising. Pensioners, the cohort that generally make or break an election, will benefit.

  23. #73

    Re: The New Iron Lady

    Quote Originally Posted by DryCleaning View Post
    The GE is two years from now. A lot will happen in politics in that time and by and large, this past week will be forgotten.
    What does “by and large” mean?

  24. #74

    Re: The New Iron Lady

    This bully


    Was on Newsnight last night talking about “the good years” between 2010 and 2019

  25. #75

    Re: The New Iron Lady

    Quote Originally Posted by Canton Kev View Post
    It's lucky for us common folk that an insidious global cabal, with a plan that will wreak utter havoc and destroy our way of life as we know it, have plans that are easily unearthed via google and people with a Twitter account.

    I bet you a tenner the Great Reset, as the dystopian 1984-esque future you believe it will be, doesn't happen.
    Of course if I'm wrong it doesn't matter because tenners won't exist any more
    Tell that to your kids.

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