Quote Originally Posted by BLUETIT View Post
I watched a video on YouTube of a Tesla owner telling his story of the car completely shutting down on a dual carriageway at night. Luckily enough he was next to a layby and managed to get the car in there. The car then locked itself and nothing worked on the car ie hazard warning lights, doors and windows wouldn't open and no way of charging his phone. There is a manual emergency lever on the inside of a Tesla that opens the doors in said circumstances.

He then needed to get out for a pee, and while he was out of the car the wind blew the door shut and he couldn't get back in. He then decided he would walk a couple of miles to the nearest services to get help, but realised all his stuff was still inside the car so he ended up smashing the drivers side window to get in and collect his stuff.

This could have been so much worse if it happened to a Mum and her kids or someone elderly on a fast road with nowhere to pull over.

The Tesla he was driving was new with only 300 miles on the clock.