I’ve got to be honest vegetarian’s & Vegan’s always wound me up.
Veggie Burgers 🍔 and all sorts of meat products made to “look like” their meat counterparts.
I remember a thread on the subject not so long back on here.
The thing is me and Mrs Sunny sat down and watched The Game Changers on Netflix
OMG 😳😳😳😳😳

Before you criticise I implore you to take and hour and a half and watch it!!!!

I’m a twenty stone six foot two soon to be fifty five year old
Meat and lots of it has always been my diet
Not so much the processed food
I decided after watching this program to go veggie for a week
I know you’re thinking daft twat but then you still haven’t watched this program.
A week turning veggie has turned into three
I didn’t intend on losing weight but I’ve lost eleven pounds.
My daughter laughs that salad and bean wrap with mashed avocado won’t fill you up - but it does.
Apart from the unintentional weight loss because I must say that was never the plan I actually feel a lot better.
I feel I’ve got more energy and I don’t get as tired doing things
I also feel a lot stronger
This new diet is like the program title a real game changer.
If you do watch and I really hope you do it shows the science in what we eat.
A Plant based foods diet reduces cholesterol massively as well as blood pressure and the possibility of getting diabetes
I was also surprised that a plant based diet reduces the risk of cancer
I know don’t shoot the messenger watch the program
The strongest man in the World is on a plant based diet
There’s an American football team that went plant based and their performances were off the charts
It’s all in the program lol
I’m not going to stay veggie but I will definitely reduce my consumption of animal products.
Less is more!!