Quote Originally Posted by Bluebirdman Of Alcathays View Post
Shaheer might be how you pronounce "Chair" (for all I know) and the City media team are the only ones who bothered to find out. But they're up against it - I remember Barry Davies trying to persuade the audience Jan Molby was pronounced Molboo, and he was an early adopter of Turkiye instead of Turkey but neither really caught on. Once the name takes hold, it doesn't matter how wrong it's pronounced.

The City commentators seem to have got the gig because they were already part of the media team and they couldn't afford to hire a proper one. Sometimes, it shows. Considering some of the proper telly commentators are annoying, once you get to this standard it's going to be a struggle.
That thought did cross my mind, but, as I said, no one at his own club has used that pronunciation as far as I’m aware and you would have thought someone at the World Cup would have used it somewhere along the line.