Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
No, I’m talking about the way you brought party politics into it. As I mentioned, Brand took certain elements of the left for mugs almost a decade ago and now he’s doing the same to elements of the right - he’s out for himself just like all psychopaths, politics, particularly party politics, has got nothing to do with it.

He’s also, near as damnit, admitted to exposing himself to a female working in the media in America - I think bringing politics into it is irrelevant, Brand is, to put it more mildly than Jordi Cule, a scumbag.

It was an article from the time, it wasn't specifically party political, and if you have an issue with party politics being brought into debates there are much better examples!

This is the third thread on Russell Brand and, as I understand it, is more about how he managed to build up a power base around him to stay protected.

In that sense, I think latching onto politicians and certain ideologies probably did help him tbh. So it may be part of the story.