Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
It does need to be reiterated that one has been charged, the other not, but yes I do think there are similiaries in terms of how people who are an 'open secret' can avoid being exposed and the support networks they build up around themselves are key to that

But no, within that principle I don't think there are similiarities really. And to jump to some story about Savile from 40 odd years ago doesn't suggest you take this story as seriously as you did that Rubiales kiss for example.

In looking at how he "got away with it" I think it is important to see who was courting, emboldening, justifying him etc at the time.

That's not unreasonable, in fact it's sensible.

I agree with you on the narcissistic personality etc but if everyone did know what was going on, it's fair to ask who kept feeding the ego and giving him more effective power.
I maybe wrong here but Savile is mentioned in the first post of this thread.

Admittedly, it's a tenuous link and I'm deliberately going 'off road' but I'm following your lead here buddy by going down the political road. It appears that the 40 years between Savile and Brand with an abundance of rumours, tales and informal accusations that surrounded the two individuals have taught some in politics nothing.

My observation.

Glad you recognise there are some similarities such as an abuse of position and who the two individuals were copying up with.

Rubiales kiss? I've said my bit on that and stand by it. Spanish courts still looking at it with sexual assault and coercion being considered?

Sounds like fuuck all to me and a fuss about fuuck all.