Quote Originally Posted by stevo View Post
Thanks for that. So, that all comes from the Old Testament. But the Jews then went on to reject Jesus as the son of God, which leads us to the New Testament, so why do you appear to care so much for Jews over Muslims?
I'll try and keep this as concise as possible as there are many aspects to this, and I will attempt to keep it jargon free too:-

Before Abraham (who became the first Jew) met with Almighty God his family faith involved praying to a moon god a number of times per day; after he had met the God of the Bible he was promised that his seed would become a nation that would bless the entire world; the key way this would happen would be because one of his offspring (some 2000 years later) would be born (on His mother's side, Mary) in Bethlehem; the Lord Jesus Christ of course. Jesus later explained that only via His death and resurrection were individuals (by trusting in Him) able to get right with God and have an eternal home in Heaven, free from death, sorrow and pain.

Now Abraham like many of us was an impatient guy and decided he'd waited long enough for Sarah his wife to produce this son of promise, so he slept with his maidservent and produced a son, Ishmael. Later on God showed that He could be trusted and Sarah gave birth to Isaac who later had a son Jacob. God changed Jacob's name to Israel and he produced 12 sons who individually seeded each tribe of Israel right down to the present day. In other words, Jacob's son Judah, produced the Tribe of Judah and Mary was one of Judah's descendants therefore Christ was born into that Tribe (which was his human heritage); his Father being God, hence the miracle of the virgin birth.

Jesus, as you will know is the One all Christian's believe in and the One they know will return to rule on Earth in a coming day; you may remember saying a section of the Lord's prayer - "....thy kingdom come, they will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven...".

So as you can see, the 'King of the Jews' is essentially and eternally connected to Christians for ever.

But that does leave one big question, what about that other son, Ishmael? Well Ishmael didn't follow the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, he followed the family religion, and worshipped the moon god, praying a number of times a day to that same god.
Therefore it is no mystery that every Mosque has a moon visible on the outside of the building. I've included an image of the one in Cardiff Bay, see what is placed at the highest point....!

There's a lot more to add to this including why the Jews will be key in the God's Plans in the near future (having been set aside to allow the Church to be God's 'mouthpiece' since 30AD); so if you have more questions then I'd be happy to add the details in the areas that you'd like more information on. But also bear this in mind, I haven't just picked a religious book off the shelf, I've examined thousands of claims in the Bible over the last 45 years and realised that ultimately it's content couldn't have possibly only come from the 40 human authors, it must have originated OUTSIDE our time and space.
