Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
Isn't Qatar the main funder of Hamas? Don't they put money into the health, education and local government services in Gaza run by Hamas - the civil and political structures that were not labelled terrorist until a few years ago? Don't they also put money and weapons into the al-Qassam Brigades that were labelled terrorist 20 years ago and proscribed by most western states?

Qatar where the FIFA World Cup was held last year?

Qatar which is closely allied to the UK - economically, diplomatically and militarily.

Qatar which is part of the Gulf Cooperation Council that the UK government is negotiating with to get a new trade deal?

Mind you, I don't believe the UK government when it makes its timid and weaselly claims that it cares about 'the fate of Palestine' so maybe it is no big deal!
Classic example. It's always the UK's fault.

And they are valid points. But why can't the organisers of the marches make clear they are marches against Hamas and against terrorism? That's not the tone we hear is it?